News & Announcements


Falcons baseball is back!

by Green Hope Falcons, 2021-04-06T16:49:40.000-07:00April 06 2021, at 04:49 PM PDT in 2020 Season

We will be playing a short season beginning with a scrimmage on 4/20 and first conference game on 4/27, when we host the Cary Imps at 6:00 P.M.
Past Announcements

Green Hope Falcons Varsity Baseball: Welcome

2018-12-10 05:34 PST (2019 Season) by Green Hope Falcons

The new Green Hope Falcons Varsity baseball website is owned and maintained by parents of the Varsity players, and has no official connection with Green Hope High School or the Wake County Public School System.



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